Building a College and Career Going Culture Within Your Academy

Presentation Category: 
California Partnership Academy Model
Session Type: 
CPA Session
Presentation Description: 
How is it that some Academies do such an excellent job of preparing all students for college and career, without need for remediation? This session will involve participants in exploring research-based strategies to increase college and career awareness, knowledge, readiness, commitment, and success within our academies.
Describes Your Focus: 
Support Systems for Students and Teachers (for example: career guidance, counseling, academic support, peer support, transition programs, advisories, AVID-like programs, etc.; and support for the teaching team such as team curriculum retreats, development of professional learning communities, and professional development opportunities)

Session Time

Monday 1:15pm to 2:30pm
Venue: Sacramento Convention Center
Room: 202


Patricia Clark
Senior Program Manager
College and Career Academy Support Network/UC Berkeley